
Please click on the link you need to download a copy of the policy. These are subject to change and may not be the most up to date version. We do endeavour to have the most up to date version available at all times.

Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment.(Reviewed October 2023)

Scoil Bernadette Child safeguarding statement Feb 2021.docx
Child Protection Risk Assessment February 2021.docx

Uniform Policy


Internet Acceptable Use Policy

New AUP Shareable

Code of Behaviour and Student Consultation

Code of Behaviour 2016
Scoil Bernadette Code of Behaviour Student Consultation

Scoil Bernadette CCTV Policy

2nd Draft Scoil Bernadette CCTV Policy May 2021

Anti Bullying Policy (Reviewed March 2024)

Anti-Bullying Policy reviewed March 2024.docx

Transition Year Policy

Scoil Bernadette Transition Year Admissions Policy website